swarajyamag.com – In 2019, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, now rechristened as Meta, announced a global cryptocurrency called Libra. The aim was to usher in financial inclusion for more than a billion people outside the f… Tweeted by @SwarajyaMag https://twitter.com/SwarajyaMag/status/1553627021116588033
swarajyamag.com – This article posits that the roots of minority appeasement, identity politics, secularism, and a fierce loathing of Dharmic traditions, by those born as Hindus, can be traced to socialist thought of … Tweeted by @SwarajyaMag https://twitter.com/SwarajyaMag/status/1553726459864584193
Hindus under attack: a weekly roundup of hate crimes, persecution, and discrimination against Hindus
hindupost.in – Attacks on Hindus and Hindu Dharma, both in Bharat and overseas, are frequent and unrelenting. In many regions of the world, this persecution is like a Tweeted by @hindupost https://twitter.com/hindupost/status/1553583756908417025
swarajyamag.com – APCO Infratech, a construction firm based in Lucknow, has emerged as the lowest bidder for constructing the 30-km long access-controlled road to connect the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway with the internati… Tweeted by @SwarajyaMag https://twitter.com/SwarajyaMag/status/1553923546883457024